Our little life: Watch us grow:)

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

Ellie Nicole Cooper Christmas 2009: 2yrs
Ellie, Kennedy, Macie & Braden

Macie, Ellie & Kennedy
Sisters....I wish they loved eachother all the time like this.

Yup...All her mother:)
My little twinkies....Macie hated it:)

Family Gift...thanks Santa
Ellie still half sleeping trying to figure this all out...

Macie loves Christmas morning:)

Ellie thinks Santa is in our livingroom...So funny
Uncle Billy, Macie and Sherri

Uncle Billy & Macie

Ellie with her new sweater jacket...love it

Ryken and his new Baby:)
Ellie and her new snuggie...she only wanted one because Macie did.

Uncle Billy & Sherri

Macie....she is going to be my rock star. She has been playing this everyday and now wants lessons?
What have I created? I better start thinking of a good band name for my two musical girls.

Mom and Macie acting silly

Me and Ryken

Ryken & Uncle Andy
Andy with all three monsters.

Andy and Ryken
Daddy & Macie Kay
Andy and Ryken messin around.

Mom and all her monster grandchildren
Best Gramie ever!

My little babies

Macie, Ellie & Ryken

Macie, Kennedi & Ellie

Hewitt Girls & Cooper Girls = Trouble in 10 years:)
Ellie, Sydney, Kennedi & Macie