Our little life: Watch us grow:)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

~My baby girl has turned 6~

It is very hard for me to believe that my baby girl is now 6. Boy has time flew by....She had her first friends sleep over on Sat, we went bowling, had a pizza party and a bonfire. She had a great time. On Friday night she received her gift from us and her sister....it was the only thing she wanted for her b-day...A kitten...(no name yet) Macie said she is still thinking about what she wants to call her. Now the only thing on Ellie's mind is her own kitten for her b-day...O boy what have we started...Here are some pics from her party weekend... Enjoy:)
Here is Macie less than 12hrs old...
~And here is Macie 6 going on 30....watch out~
Macie and her new baby kitten

This is her favorite sleeping spot...on the basement steps in my mail basket.

Macie at opening gifts...

Macie and her cake

Balloon fight at the house....that was a crazy few moments:)

Dayton & Andy hanging around:)

Girls....what am I going to do with them... ha ha they were so cute. Fashion Divas

Macie and her new hat

and Jonas shirt

The girls taken a cupcake break:)

Daddy and the birthday girl

Kiki's, Annabelle & Macie

Syd...aka Camel...we love our Syders:)

Dayton and his cupcake face
Ellie always cheesin it up