My girls
Allot has been going on with us. Sorry for the lateness of all the craziness. Macie is still loving school, hates going to bed but that is what has to happen. Ellie is talking up a storm she is going to be just as bossy as her older sister! Great! I still cant believe she is going to be 2 next week she is so excited to be a big girl but when I tell her "when you are two you dont get your bottle anymore, she says I still a your baby momma" melts my heart but I am going to have to live through hell for a week or two to get her out of this baby stage.
I am loving my new job and my drive is so nice!Here are a few new pics of the girls having fun with dad and Macie had her first daddy daughter dance.
I am loving my new job and my drive is so nice!Here are a few new pics of the girls having fun with dad and Macie had her first daddy daughter dance.