Our little life: Watch us grow:)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ellie's new haircut

Here is Ellie's new hair cut, now she looks even more like her daddy!
We went in to get everyone hair cut last week (not including Ellie) but once she seen her sister in the chair getting her hair done she was all about it. She has to do or try everything her big sister does, sometimes it is a pain in the butt but times like this was perfect. I did not go to the appointment prepared so we got no action pictures. Here is the outcome - she is so stinkin cute!
We have also grown up in the last week. We have taken her out of her baby bed and set up her big girl bed. We have been sleeping in it for a week, she goes to bed with Macie at 8pm and they both sleep all night in their OWN beds! Thank God! Andy and I finally have our own bed back and we have 2 hrs every night to ourselves. It is hard to believe but it has been a great change around our house.


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